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Балаева А.М.




In this Chapter we will try to tell about those phonetic phenomena in English, which sharply oppose it to Russian, especially the greater influence, pay attention to the specific sounds of English phonetics, but do not forget that there are similarities that unite the two languages   

Ключевые слова:
English phonetics, sounds, articulation, diphthongs   

It is worth noting that the phonetic structure of each language is different, even if the languages have any external similarity (in spelling) or belong to the same language group. Russian and English languages belong to different branches of the Indo-European family of languages, and therefore there are quite a lot of differences in their phonetic structure. First, I would like to note that all sounds in any language are divided into categories according to their physical properties and the way of their articulation. When articulating consonants, the air jet meets various obstacles on the way out of the speech tract. One of the fundamental differences between Russian and English phonetics is the ratio of the number of contrasted sounds in languages. In English, there are 20 vowels and 24 consonants, and this demonstrates that in this language the sounds of both categories are in almost equal numbers. Quite otherwise the situation is in the Russian language: the ratio of vowels and consonants is quite sharp-6(5): 34. Therefore, the Russian language is referred to as a language with a consonant type of phonetic system. This is the systemic difference between the two languages-the advantage of different types of sounds. English phonetics has a number of differences also in the types of sound classification. Found in the Russian classification of pairs of nevernosti, voiced or voiceless-voicing, hardness-softness, udarnoi of bezdarnosti. In English, the situation is different. Vowel sounds are subdivided into many broad characteristics, such as: 1. The degree of rise of the parts of the language as the main articulator. Highlights high (high), medium-high (mid-high), medium-low (mid-low) and low sounds (low). All of them are formed by varying degrees of raising the tongue in the oral cavity when uttering sound. 2. Location of the main body of the language (characteristics of the series). Emit sounds front row; front row pushed back; middle; rear advanced forward and rear. 3. The degree of ogolennoi, or abilitanti (in the formation of certain sounds happening this additional articulation, as okupljanje sound). 4. Vowel longitude (this characteristic plays an important role in word recognition). 5. Monophthong (forming one sound) or a diphthong (two sounds forming), diptongo (the sound that is heterogeneous with pronunciation, has some signs of another similar sound in the word). 6.The intensity of the speech apparatus in the production of sound. 7. Place of education-nasal or oral. The classification of English consonants is smaller, but also has its own characteristics. Consonants are also divided into oral and nasal sounds at the place of formation. According to the method of formation, English consonants are coronal, labial, pharyngeal and dorsal. There is also a principle of division of consonants by the nature of noise production: fricative, approximants, explosive. Unlike Russian consonants, English sounds such as k,t, p in the initial position are pronounced with a little breath. I would also like to note that, as in Russian, the stress in English can fall on any syllable of a word. In Russian and English the stress is not fixed by the rules. Thus, we compared phonetic structures in English and Russian, considering the basic concepts of phonetics, such as sound and letter. Russian Russian phonetic system in comparison with English phonetic system was also described, and differences in phonetic base of Russian and English languages were shown.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №9 (18) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Балаева А.М. FEATURES OF ENGLISH PHONETICS IN COMPARISON WITH RUSSIAN // Вестник науки №9 (18) том 2. С. 58 - 60. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/2061 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/2061

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